Saturday, October 4, 2008

Get Your Visitors to Stay Longer

When you start online store web design, you must apply certain elements to your site to entice visitors to stay and look around. Whether it is your very own website or a page you have created on someone else's website, it is up to you to take the site and turn it in to prime real estate.

Most visitors will give you only a split second glance before clicking off and going somewhere else. Do not make it so easy for them to do that. Keep the following factors in mind when you are ready to start online store design.

- Make your site easy to use by even the most novice Internet users.

- Do not allow any more than three clicks to any of the pages on your store. If you have any more than that, customers will lose interest.

- Do not make your site look like the Las Vegas strip. Tone down the banners and graphics. They will create noise and confusion if not done in moderation.

- Provide helpful information to your visitors. You will appear more knowledgeable and trustworthy.

- Use a black Verdana or Ariel font for easy to read text.

- Provide a contact form on your site in case customers want to contact you. Then make sure to respond to inquiries in a polite and timely manner.

- Promote customer participation with surveys and online polls.

-Put important information at the top of your site. You will quickly lose a visitor's attention if they have to take the time to scroll down to see what your site is about. You have only seconds to make a good impression.

When you put all of the above key elements into place, do not be surprised to see longer visits from your customers on your stat counter. There will be no reason for customers to go elsewhere.


Mohit Jain said...

Fantastic post, wonderful breakdowns . Simply put ………. Very useful . Thanks heaps for sharing your experiences and knowledge.
Millionaire Maker

Anonymous said...

Great tips to make more number of visitors to our site.
Create an Online Store